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Alexander von Humboldt-Professor Dr. Brian Foster FRS

„Die nächsten Jahre werden in der
Teilchenphysik eine neue Ära einleiten und
revolutionäre Ergebnisse bringen.“
Prof. Dr. Brian Foster
Brian Foster is acknowledged as one of the most important experimental particle physicists of the day. He has played a leading role in numerous international projects involving particle accelerators, and both his theoretical and his practical work developing innovative measuring instruments have expedited progress in accelerator physics.
He has received countless awards, including the Humboldt Research Award (1999) and in 2003, he was awarded an OBE for services to research on particle physics. Since 2012 Alexander von Humboldt-Professor Foster is working at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrontron, DESY in Hamburg, and is teaching and researching at the University of Hamburg.